Don't Quit
When scales go "clunk", as they sometimes will,
When the goals you've set seem truly unreal,
When losses are low and gains are high,
And you're embarrassed and read to cry,
When clothes seem to have a snugger fit,
Get hold of yourself and DON'T YOU QUIT!!
You came to Weight Watchers because you wanted to learn
Just how to make those calories burn.
You needed help-weren't afraid to ask,
You knew it wouldn't be a simple task.
I'll tell you something I'm sure you know:
You don't give up when the losing is slow.
Your diet is a challenge, not simply a chore.
Weight Watchers friendships and fun can make it more.
Take part in your meetings; they're here for you.
There are offices and contest and programs to do.
You have a grand goal. Now strive for it!
You'll succeed as a loser if you JUST DON'T QUIT!

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